
Protect your property from water damage
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Oh so true. The cost of prevention beats the cost of cleanup and repair every time. Like the old TV ad used to say: “Pay me (a Little) now, or pay me (a Lot) later.” Reasonably priced preventive measures can save many thousands of dollars and many hours of hard work, not to mention the heartache of whatever the loss steals from your family.
- Water damages many thousands of homes a year to the tune of millions of dollars.
- One or more preventative measures we offer can help keep your basement dry.
- Are you ever worried that your sump pump may fail?
- Have you ever placed a dollar value on everything in your basement?
- Have you ever thought about how much it would set you back if you had to replace all of it at once?
- The furnace, hot water tank, washer and dryer, etc.? What do they cost?
- The flooring, rugs, furniture, electronics, exercise equipment, home office or workshop? Can you afford to replace them all at once?
- The boxes of seasonal decorations, toys and games for the kids, and so on?
- Your property insurance coverage for basement flooding is typically very limited, even when you purchase a special rider. Check with your agent for details.
- We often hear “I’ll get a generator.” Unless the generator is fully automatic (very expensive) you have to be there to run it. What if you’re not there?
- Pump failures happen more often than power failures. A generator does no good if the pump is dead!
- And guess what? That expensive generator will likely need to be replaced in about ten years or so.
- It is a sure thing that your sump pump will fail. The questions are: “When?” and “Are you prepared?”

Basement Flood Prevention
Basepump Water Powered Backup Sump Pumps: Learn More
- Uses water pressure from your home’s municipal water supply to automatically pump water from your sump.
Other Flood Prevention
WaterBlock Excess Water Flow Shut-off Valves: Learn More
- You set it and if too much water flows through it at any one time, it shuts off. Think: Burst washing machine hose; or ice maker tube.
Aquabag Inflatable Sandbags: Learn More
- They look like empty sandbags, but soak them for a few minutes and watch them swell into full-size sandbags.